Paul Wesley (Pawel Tomasz Wesley) is renowned as an actor and a producer. His part in the hit TV show The Vampire Diaries has made his name extremely famous. He has received several nominations and awards for his work on the show which include Teen Choice Awards. He was born in New Brunswick New Jersey in the United States Wesley showed an passion for acting throughout his time in school. Rutgers University was his next destination. When he realized that his acting abilities could be a great career, he decided to leave. He first appeared on an episode of the American TV show Another World. The following year, he appeared in a lead role in "Wolf Lake," a popular TV show that which aired through the CBS network. The Vampire Diaries was a popular American series that sparked a new phase in his professional life. A few episodes have been directed by him. He has been featured in numerous famous films since the release of the debut of his series, The Last Run. Recently, he was se...